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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Motivation, let's see, I know I had some around here...

Yeah, I've been a bad boy. Valentine's Day had the unfortunate (for my weight) luck to coincide with my getting my appetite back after my wicked illness. That reacquisition of the appetite has led to my rediscovering snacking at work. And when shopping at lunch for groceries, getting extra stuff besides the Lean Cuisine-type meal I already brought. Not good, Hoff. I went a week without running in the morning (bad, naughty Hoff!), and I know that is going to be a difficult proposition with the Daylight Savings Time change. Still, the weight has been going in the wrong direction (Loozin wate, I'm dooin' it rong), and that's gotta change. So here I am rededicating myself to this weight loss effort. You know, it seems I need to do this almost once a month. This idea is actually somewhat consistent with something I observed a couple of years ago. Focusing on a long-term goal is fine, but it is so easy to discount minor setbacks (ooh, I gained a pound this week, but I'll make up for it in no time), because they are relatively small in comparison to the big goal. Lately, I've let that slip and have been focusing on the larger goal. Time to get back to the basics. Weekly goals. I know that I said that to hit my big goal, I've got to lose 3-ish pounds per week. That is not going to be easy, but I'm going to make every effort. No more Pickup Stix. No more Cheesy Bacon Wraps from Burger King. No more extra snacking at work. Fixed calorie count, every day. What I bring to work is all I'm going to eat (plus dinner, duh). Now that DAPGF has started teaching a new quarter, I've lost one of my gym nights. To make up for that, in addition to the running in the morning (going to be difficult for the next week or so), I'm going to try and hit the driving range once or twice a week, depending on what my work schedule will allow. Non-golfers may not believe it, but a golf club weighs a couple of pounds, and swinging that in a full rotation 90 to 100 times in an hour will burn 500-ish calories in an hour and allow you to break a slight sweat. Wish me luck, peeps!

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