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Friday, February 13, 2009

I never thought I'd be disappointed with this kind of progress

Yes, I am disappointed, but it's hard to be disappointed with this kind of progress. Last Friday, my weigh-in was 285.4, for a drop of 3.2 lbs since I started my revised efforts at the end of January. I knew that things were happening, not exactly according to plan, due to my illness last week, and I was looking forward to seeing how this week would shake out.

In a word (or two, I suppose), it started off en fuego! I actually managed to lose weight over the weekend, which is very much against the trend, and I was down to 281.6 lbs by Tuesday morning! Tuesday, though, I was feeling uber-hungry on the way to work, and caved in and hit the Burger King drive-thru for a couple of cheesy bacon wraps. They are yummy, only cost 2 for $3, but ring up at approximately 800 calories for the two of them. The rest of the day was according to plan, and I did hit the gym after work. Granted, "something" didn't agree with me during the day, and the accompanying biological activities probably helped things out. End result, I defied the odds and was down to 281.4 lbs on Wednesday morning. Wednesday was a road day, though, and again I succumbed to the siren call of cheesy bacon wraps (from a completely different BK, though). As before, the rest of the day went according to plan, and I did hit the gym on the way home. Again, though, I experienced digestive "issues" throughout the day. End result, Thursday's weigh-in was all the way down to 280.6 lbs! Holy IBS Batman! Now, to clarify, I've eaten the cheesy bacon wraps several times before, and never experienced any problems, so I'm not sure if they were the problem or not. In any respect, I was looking forward to Thursday. The final push before the Friday weigh-in, I knew I was going to stick to the plan. And I did. No cheesy bacon wraps, no snacking, the exact same dinner that I had Wednesday night. I figured that if I ate less than I did the day before, and still hit the gym, there should be no reason why I can't crack the 279 lb barrier. The only difference from Wednesday was that I did not experience any digestive issues. End result, Friday's weigh-in was up a pound from my low point, but it still rang in down 3.8 lbs for the week at 281.6 lbs. Disappointing when you're hoping to get into the 270s, but still a nice drop.

I'm still snacking more than I planned to (bringing two or three more 100 cal snack pack things than I should), but I can't argue with the progress. Hopefully I will be able to minimize the damage over the weekend...I'm not sure what's going on tonight, but DAPGF and I are having sushi for Valentine's Day which shouldn't be too damaging. And next week I'm going to be even more hyper vigilant on sticking to the plan. The goal I set for this round of efforts is 2.2 lbs per week. Normally, that would be a pretty tall order. But so far, I'm exceeding the goals substantially. I have no idea whether I can maintain this pace, but it sure would be nice. If I can average 3 lbs per week, by the end of June I would be down to a beach-tastic 220 lbs. At my best in college, I was decently cut and weighing around 235. 220 would freaking rawk! In any respect, I'm sticking with the 2.2 lbs per week goal, but going to make every effort I can to better that. Wish me luck, peeps!


River Driver said...

Glad things are working out. Cheesy bacon wraps are a no-no. I'm stuck at the swim meet for the weekend, so no working out for me, plus eating out all weekend. Not going to be a good weekend. Guess I need to start over on Monday.

iamhoff said...

But they're so gooooood! If you're at a swim meet all weekend, can't you find a way to get some pool time for yourself?