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Friday, January 09, 2009

The one in which we assess our progress...

Greetings and salivations, party peeps! Here's hoping that you all are sticking to your New Year Resolutions, and that you haven't fallen off the wagon just yet.

Me, it's sort of a mixed bag, but I've got an excuse (don't I always?). First, the good. On January 2, 2009, for the first weigh-in post New Year's Day buffet orgy, I rang in at a blimp-tastic 289.0 lbs! Now, because I knew I was going to the buffet, I knew that the 2nd would produce a somewhat artificially higher weigh-in than would otherwise normally occur. Obviously I was right. And here we are a week down the road. Given my 1.5 pound per week goal, I was aiming for 287.5 lbs. Lo and behold, stepping on the scale this morning showed a weight of 286.4 lbs, for a loss of 2.6 lbs!

Yay me, but with an asterisk. You see, secretly I had hoped that the drop would be in the three to four pound range, because the buffet was only a short-term food condition (obviously I don't eat like that every day), and with DAPGF starting her new teaching quarter, I was going to have several evenings of gym action. Plus, as we continue through life temporarily without doggie, I have stated that I intend to use the former dog walk/dog feeding morning time to go for a run. What I didn't count on was a wicked cold to envelope my head and chest. Get up early and go for a run? Hell, I could barely breathe, so let's just stay in bed for another 45 minutes. Hit the gym after work? One night DAPGF needed me to come home and help her out with some prep work for one of her classes, one night I left work 2 hours late, and one night I just wasn't feeling in the mood.

But as the week went on, I started to feel better. Thursday morning, I managed to make it out for 10 minutes of running, just to try and get back into a rhythm. Friday morning I did it again. Saturday morning should be a gym trip, so hopefully I can build on the momentum, and keep shedding the pounds. My 1.5 pound goal for the week would get me down to 284.9 lbs. Wish me luck, and good luck out there to all of you!


River Driver said...

Good luck. My week has been similarly fraught with non-weight-loss situations. Meh.

River Driver said...

You should update your links on the side of your page--a bunch of our fellow weight-loss-bloggers have either achieved their goals or bailed out of the chase, because many of the links are dead or haven't been posted upon in many moons.

Any progress on the working out, eating better front? Ups and downs this week for me. Meh. Maer has a cold (super pathetic) so he hasn't even wanted to walk much, just lay around and cough. Such a weenie.