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Monday, November 12, 2007

The Fog is Getting Thicker. And Leon (Hoff) is Getting Larger!

Dammit! It's not supposed to happen like this! Considering that I had just about no gym time last week, I was actually making a bit of progress towards my goal for today of 281.8 lbs. And I even made it to the gym both Saturday and Sunday mornings, and DAPGF and I even went on a walk along La Jolla cove for about an hour on Saturday, but once again my progress was thwarted by great restaurants and my lack of willpower. Friday night actually wasn't too bad. Small salad and a grill sampler plate consisting of a steak quesadilla, grilled shrimp, and something else that I forget. Not outrageous by any means, and with the gym on Saturday morning, my weigh-in showed no increase from Friday morning. Woo hoo! Then came lunch. One word. Buffet. Show me the buffet!! Granted, the food tended to be on the healthy side of things, but if you eat enough you will eventually gain weight. Combine that with going out for dinner and many drinks with friends, and I've got the recipe for a 1.5 pound weight gain on Sunday morning. This despite another trip to the gym. Sunday I was on my own for lunch, but dinner consisted of Thai (pad thai, stir-fry shrimp, lots of rice and noodles, and some Baskin Robbins Chocolate Oreo Cookie ice cream (second in my world only to Ben and Jerry's Brownie Batter ice cream). And Monday's weigh-in: 284.8 lbs. Yep. Not only didn't I lose anything from last week, but I gained a pound! Holy fatness!

Still, somehow I remain optimistic. DAPGF teaches tonight and Thursday, so there's two gym nights when I can limit my meals to Lean Cuisine-esq meals. She might have something going on for Tuesday (which would be another gym/eat at home night), and she's getting her hair done after work on Wednesday, which might mean I get another gym/home evening. I can't let these opportunities slip by. I will make some progress, some hard core progress. If nothing else, I need to make progress to offset what next weekend will inevitably bring. Wish me luck, peeps.

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