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Monday, June 25, 2007

The one in which we begin anew

I just wanted to get off a quick post before diving back into work.  Last week was pretty busy, and I wanted to see how my first full week of the mini-me goals went.   In short, we're starting over again this week.  My weigh-in this morning was exactly the same as last Monday.   Actually it was a little different…my body fat content dropped about 1.5%.  I don't know if that actually means anything useful, because that number fluctuates as much as my weight.   I know that I did a lot to torpedo my efforts…but I had help.  Happy Hour one night, and we all know how kind beer is to the diet.   No gym this weekend because DAPGF had me helping her house and dog sit, so the mornings this weekend got all screwed up, and while I tried to be careful with what I ate, I'm sure I could've done better.   We did spend the better part of Saturday afternoon walking around the Ocean Beach Street Fair (and I've got the sunburn to prove it), and a couple of nights DAPGF and I went for a walk through this big community park in the San Diego neighborhood we live in.   But 288.0.  Way too heavy.  Hopefully work will calm down by Wednesday and I can start thinking about going to the driving range and gym during the week.   We shall see…


River Driver said...

My significant other is making a stand on the weight issue too, because his has been creeping back up. We've had too many days of blowing off the gym and too many evenings of eating too much at dinner. His theory is that we should make lunch our biggest meal of the day (which works well for him, because he has to eat out every day) and just have sandwiches or salad for dinner every night and not cook anything. Also beneficial because it won't heat the house up with the stove on in the evenings. Doesn't necessarily help me learn how to control my portions when I've cooked a meal, but it may just work. We'll see.

iamhoff said...

Fortunately, DAPGF is finally feeling the effects of a slowing metabolism. I can't tell, but she says she's gaining weight. So she's on this kick now of walking after we have dinner. Two laps around these parks near our shack take around 20 minutes. At a normal walking pace, a mile is a little under 15 minutes, so I'm guessing we're putting in roughly a mile and a half. This is in addition to the morning and nightly dog walks, which run usually 25 minutes to an hour.

I've determined that breakfast needs to be bigger for me. When I don't get something more substantial than oatmeal, I find myself eating my morning and afternoon snacks, and then needing to pick up something else to replace the now-eaten afternoon snack. A bagel with fat-free cream cheese seems to be the ticket. We'll see...