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Monday, February 12, 2007

Some positive, and some negative

Sorry for the delay in posting, but it's been a crazy week. Work has been a mix of busy and not, but something I alluded to previously has cropped up again. I mentioned that I have no privacy in my office, so keeping Blogger open for posting and such isn't really an option. The posts that I've sent up during the day have been sneaky: I type up the post in MS Word, and then open the Dashboard, copy and paste, touch up any hyperlinks or pics, and elbow and send. Unfortunately, my boss informed us that our corporate IT masters up in Sacramento have installed software on all of our computers (our company is very wired) that tracks our internet usage. And my boss wasn't telling us that in a fashion that said that he was watching us. Rather, he informed us that he wasn't even checking HIS personal email from his work computer. So blogging at work, even at lunch is not the best move. Still, work has been going relatively well. I still feel as though I'm being under-utilized (they don't have enough work yet for me to have a full workload), so it's a delicate line to walk, looking busy and being able to fill out an honest time sheet (I do consulting work, so I have to account for my time in 15 minute increments because it's all billable), while knowing that I've got enough work that I could honestly take 3 solid days and be done with it, if that. So I fluff things out, make it look as though I'm busier than I am, and hope that some of our proposals get accepted. A consultant's life, regardless of the field, isn't always great. And more to the point, combine that with gym and poker after work, Valentine's Day shopping, and honeydew stuff (honey, when you get home can you do this...), and I haven't had much time to blog.

The mornings have even been busy, and I only weighed myself a couple of days this past week. Nothing exciting out of those days, but this week hasn't been good. We had a company thing one day that involved going to our wonderful local brewpub for munchies and adult beverages, which didn't help things at all. I've done some shorty workouts off of Exercise TV, but I haven't had the time to do anything longer than 10 minutes at a time (besides the dog walks). And to top it off, because Dear and Patient GF teaches in the evenings, we did Valentine's Day this weekend. Great food, but not good for the waistline. Monday morning's weigh-in is not expected to be pretty.

Still, things seem to be going fairly well in that department. DAPGF has been going thru some rough times with work, but she's made a point of reaching out to me both in asking for help and to apologize for some "chilly" behavior on her part (I never said anything, knowing that it wasn't me, but work that was thowing her off balance), and things just seem to be going really well.

So there you have it. Diet and weight aren't great, but I think I bought the right stuff at the grocery store over the weekend. Work isn't bad, just kind of awkward for now. And life with GF is pretty good. All in all, I'll give myself a solid "not bad".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is some way to post via email in this new-fangled blogger. It might just be what you are looking for.